Right Angle Weave Fun

In this post, I will give very, very simple instructions on how to create a right angle weave. Once you learn the basics, you can add as many rows as you like. 

I plan on using this technique to create some keychains. When my keychains are finished, I will post them at a later time. 

Two projects I designed. Both contain one right angle row.

All righty then, let get onto making a Right Angle Weave Unit.

Creating Row One
Begin by stringing four beads onto your thread.

Love My Bead Board

If you love beading, you really should think about investing in a bead board. I have found this tool a real jewelry making necessity. 

How I begin a new project with beads
My board makes it easy to create stunning jewelry pieces. I can easily lay out a multi strand necklace and bracelet design with ease. 

I just create and set out my pattern in the grooves of the board before I even think about stringing the beads together. 

I have found placing many different types of beads on the board allows me to observe new, exciting combinations of color mixes and shapes. I do this mixing of beads before I even begin thinking about my design.

Rose Bowl April 2015

This Sunday was Rose Bowl April. That's why my blog is going out later than usual. I had to get up at 4:00 am in order to pack up and get ready for the event. The rules are you must be inside the Rose Bowl as a vendor before 6:30 am or you lose your spot. 

Even though the flea market doesn't officially open until 9:00 am, there are vendors and store owners who are cruising around between 6:30 - 9:00 am buying the best merchandise early.

All in all, I had a lot of fun. Not only did I sell my handcrafted jewelry, I also setup a wall of supplies. The supply wall sold well. Mostly chains and charms. 

Happy Easter (no post)

Image result for easter photosGod, watch over my family and friends. Keep them safe and healthy. Amen.

Now a quote,  
Earth’s saddest day and gladdest day were just three days apart!. -- Susan Coolidge

Okay peeps, Coffee break over. Got a dinner to finish.  Dee