If so, I have just a few guideline's I'd like you to adhere to. There aren't many rules to follow but in following them, your chances of being featured as a publisher on this blog will be much higher.
Okay, let's get started...
Submit a Guest Post on this Blog
- Take some time and read through a few posts on this site. It will give you a nice feel of the content I'm searching after.
- Send an email to this address, dee@teachmeclay.com, with the following information,
- On the subject line enter the following text, 'Submit a Guest Post'
- In the body of your email, add a link to your original post or article. Any submission must be your original work.
- Include a short profile of yourself. This will be included at the bottom of your post when it's published on my blog. The profile should be 100 words or less. Actually, 50 words is better but for those who love to write, 100 words is okay. A photo of yourself to be added alongside your profile.
- Optional Links: You can send up to two links from your most popular posts. These links will be included in your submitted post.
Once your submission is accepted, I will send you an email letting you know when your submission will be published. Once published, you will need to check back often to answer any questions that may arise from a visitor. I do not have the time to forward their comments to you.
Note: Any affiliate links or Ads will be removed from your submission before it is posted to my blog.
As I promote your post and Blog, remember to promote mine. Add a link back so we can all benefit.
If for any reason, your submission is not accepted, I will let you know why. More than likely it's a simple reason that can be easily corrected so your post can be posted.
Any questions before submitting? Feel free to ask. My email, dee@teachmeclay.com.
Article Over. Now read some great posts
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Coffeebreak over.
Bye Now.
Article Over. Now read some great posts
Checkout my website
Coffeebreak over.
Bye Now.
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