How does the smaller blogger accomplish this task?
I found one way is by submitting your originals to crafting sites that accept submissions on their blog and/or website.
After reading all the positive comments from submitting projects, I've decided to give it a try. My plan, over the next few months? To submit my how-to's and tutorials all over the place. Getting featured is basically creating great products portrayed with sharp, clear precise photos featuring the process.
If my projects are favorable, I'll become featured. A feature link and photo will bring traffic from their site to my site as their members like my project and want to view more.
What are the sites you ask? I found many but used a cutoff point of 14. There were so many. The sites listed I found the most useful and easy to maneuver.
While the majority of sites I listed are larger, don't overlook the smaller sites if you run across one. Every site had to start somewhere and by growing as a featured artist with a smaller site the overall benefits could be huge in the long run.

Okay, let's get started...
Here's the list (in no specific order)
DIYCozyHome site is asking to feature bloggers. Owner looks at all entries personally. Needs link, description and permission to use photo. This might just be the first site I'll try.
30MinuteCrafts this site is looking for projects that will take 30 minutes, 15 minutes, or 10 minutes. Easy submission form. List if your project will be completed in 30, 15 or 10 by checking a checkbox on form. Another site I'll be trying early on.
DollarStoreCrafts this site states they receive a lot of submissions and your submission may appear on their site, on their Facebook page, on a link to their Twitter account, or not posted it at all. By submitting, you agree for them to post one or two of your project photos. A link and credit to you will be provided. They also have a list of tips.
StumbleUpon another site where submitting your material is easy.
BeadAndCord this site is more of a community where members contribute to the growing DIY library.
AllFreeHolidayCrafts the project submit button is located on the top of the page. They supply a full list of the types of projects they are looking for. Nice! It takes the guess work out of what to submit.
AllFreeChristmasCrafts setup exactly like All Free Holiday Crafts. They are probably sister site.
CraftGossip Wow! Over 60,000 projects listed. If chosen for a feature article, the views would be awesome. I would imagine being chosen can't be easy though. That's a lot of DIY projects.
TotallyTutorials takes tutorials, recipes, or patterns.Each post links directly to the tutorial author's blog. Very easy submission.
Craftqawker looks like pinterest. I've heard they are very picky about their photo's and submissions.
Craftqawker looks like pinterest. I've heard they are very picky about their photo's and submissions.
TipJunkie full of tips and tutorial submissions. Very large community. Size of site membership may make it hard to get featured.
And let's not forget
Pinterest I don't have pinterest linked to my blog, I have it linked to my teachmeclay.com website instead. I have found that a healthy part of my visitors are coming from pinterest.
Well, that's my 14 site reviews. If you have a site where you enjoy sending your submissions, add it to the comment section. I plan on rating a larger selection of submission sites when time permits. The final results will be listed on my teachmeclay.com site.
Hope this info was useful. Next time, maybe I'll talk about the, 'Linky Party'. It's another way to link up with bloggers.
Coffee Break over. Bye now.
Parties are without a doubt, a great way to share to your posts. I love
nothing better than sharing at all the wonderful linky parties each
week. I have found that linky parties are the best way to make awesome
friends and meet new bloggers. I have a Linky Party Page
that has lots of fantastic places to party each week. If you host a
linky party, and it's not on my page, PLEASE link it up! I love to
PARTAY each week! I host a weekly Bouquet of Talent party that starts
every Saturday evening.
Similar to Pinterest
this site.
All Free Christmas Crafts is just like the link above, except for Christmas projects only.
Find & Craft are awesome to work with, and they are very fast in with their responses to submissions.
Hometalk brings a huge amount of traffic to my blog and is very easy to add projects!
Bead & Cord I discovered this one, when I kept getting lots of pageviews from
Craftqawker is very picky about the photos, etc., but the traffic is well worth the effort.
Similar to Pinterest
I am sure
that we would all agree that Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter bring
lots of traffic to our blogs. I have also found out that the more
unique places you share it, the more traffic you get.
Parties are without a doubt, a great way to share to your posts. I love
nothing better than sharing at all the wonderful linky parties each
week. I have found that linky parties are the best way to make awesome
friends and meet new bloggers. I have a Linky Party Page
that has lots of fantastic places to party each week. If you host a
linky party, and it's not on my page, PLEASE link it up! I love to
PARTAY each week! I host a weekly Bouquet of Talent party that starts
every Saturday evening.
Similar to Pinterest
I am sure
that we would all agree that Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter bring
lots of traffic to our blogs. I have also found out that the more
unique places you share it, the more traffic you get.
Parties are without a doubt, a great way to share to your posts. I love
nothing better than sharing at all the wonderful linky parties each
week. I have found that linky parties are the best way to make awesome
friends and meet new bloggers. I have a Linky Party Page
that has lots of fantastic places to party each week. If you host a
linky party, and it's not on my page, PLEASE link it up! I love to
PARTAY each week! I host a weekly Bouquet of Talent party that starts
every Saturday evening.
Similar to Pinterest
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