I wanted to set aside old clothing/small appliances/knickknacks/etc., for a donation to my local thrift shop. Well, low and behold what did I find? A small box full of some of my first polymer and metal clay creations.
Too funny! Just look at the polymer clay, dull colors, burnt clay, bubbles leaching through the surface, no color distinction, very little imagination and uneven pieces. I'm still wondering why I keep those eggs (seen below)? I know I'm a hoarder at times, BUT really?

The colors used in this mess were, "Just Orange" and "Violet" Sculpey III polymer clay. What was I thinking? I just remember the online tutorial said to find two contrasting colors. At the time, I thought these would blend to make a fabulous result. Too bad I didn't really understand pallets and color wheels at that time. Guess you can tell.

What's a girl to do with all these old 90's pieces? I surely can't just throw them out now. People have recently began seeking me out and telling their friends about my handmade, one of a kind pieces through word of mouth. So I've been thinking, these primitive creatures will serve as a reminder. Let's face it, if I ever decide to write a book, these beauties will be priceless. They will probably head the chapter, "Polymer & Metal Clay - The Early Years."
Are you laughing yet? We'll, there's more. Here's my early years with silver metal clay. Not as bad as the polymer clay. Still, very little imagination and uneven pieces. So glad I've matured since then.
I should also note that I found my old Ricoh digital camera in the garage as well. So, instead of taking really nice shots with my new camera, I decided to use my old Ricoh camera. Why not? Old primitive clay projects deserve an old primitive photo. Looking through the results, it's hard to believe I use to post like this back in the 90's?
So, what am I doing now? Take a look. I've grown since the 90's.
Here is a sample of my work if interested,
That's it for now. Gotta go. Coffee break is over
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